Debt dreadful and terrible
Nobody thought that the European debt crisis and the problems associated with public debt in the U.S. could undermine the foundation of economic confidence. But that is exactly what happened. Moreover, frustrated consumers and investors lost confidence, make this process self-fulfilling prophecy: their worst fears come true about the cooling economy. Falling consumer confidence indexes in Europe and North America indicates that the destructive process is already running. We now have access to daily updates of the index of economic confidence in the U.S. Gallup Index, which traces the changes in trust over time. During the period from the first week of July and first week of August - just as American politicians so scared of the fact that they can not agree on the limit of public debt and bring upon U.S. technical default - meaning Gallup Index deteriorated. The possibility of default theme surfaced in the news every day. But then came August 2, default has not occurred, but three days later, on Friday, agency Standard & Poor's downgraded the rating on long-term U.S. bonds from AAA to AA +. On Monday, the S & P 500 fell almost 7%. The fault of politicians, the country found itself in the humiliating position preddefoltnom that, obviously, put it on equal footing with European states, which are actually just on the brink of default. The European issue has become in the U.S.. On these topics, and is estimated public sentiment. Probability of default in the U.S. has affected a number of important strings: the pride of Americans, fear of losing world dominance and the fear of political anarchy.