Does Germany want to be part of a united Europe? We ask ourselves this silly question at first glance, because the fate of Europe depends precisely on this country. As the main engine of growth for the European economy, it is able to save or destroy the euro. Germany also can leave a futile attempt to impose its monetary discipline and life itself and other countries to leave the eurozone. This act has become an attraction incredible altruism, and perhaps the best that the Germans might do to their neighbors. But the Germans torn by terrible contradiction: on the one hand, the political elite still clinging stranglehold over discredited the idea of European unity and solidarity, on the other hand - ordinary Germans, who do not understand why they are forced to subsidize the reckless actions of unruly neighbors. Country is paralyzed. Trapped in its history, the country's leaders do not see the solutions that will help put an end to the chaos, formed by the crisis of sovereign debt and banking sector. Indecision Germany not only threatens the well-being of Europe, but throughout the world as a whole, as evidenced by the increase in anxious mood among U.S. and Chinese policymakers.
Indecision Germans around the world goes around comes around
Does Germany want to be part of a united Europe? We ask ourselves this silly question at first glance, because the fate of Europe depends precisely on this country. As the main engine of growth for the European economy, it is able to save or destroy the euro. Germany also can leave a futile attempt to impose its monetary discipline and life itself and other countries to leave the eurozone. This act has become an attraction incredible altruism, and perhaps the best that the Germans might do to their neighbors. But the Germans torn by terrible contradiction: on the one hand, the political elite still clinging stranglehold over discredited the idea of European unity and solidarity, on the other hand - ordinary Germans, who do not understand why they are forced to subsidize the reckless actions of unruly neighbors. Country is paralyzed. Trapped in its history, the country's leaders do not see the solutions that will help put an end to the chaos, formed by the crisis of sovereign debt and banking sector. Indecision Germany not only threatens the well-being of Europe, but throughout the world as a whole, as evidenced by the increase in anxious mood among U.S. and Chinese policymakers.