The front line in the currency markets
Recently, the talk of currency wars in the market are not uncommon. Will the investors hostage to military action? Currency markets were never boring place, but lately it's biggest asset class made their fans shudder of surprise more often than usual. Was plenty of turmoil: a dizzying fall of the former darlings of emerging-market currencies such as the Brazilian real, up the gauntlet thrown down in the face of investors Switzerland, where central bank intervention in the country spent the growth of the franc, parlayed the confidence of the financial world and its impeccable reputation. Currency traders say with bitter irony that now that Switzerland is always and in all to observe neutrality, declare war, it really badly. First, the term "currency war" in his latest reincarnation of the Minister of Finance of Brazil, used by Guido Mantega, speaking about the problems of competitiveness of their countries and other emerging markets. However, they, unlike the Bank of Switzerland, used guerrilla tactics rather fight the type of higher taxes on capital flows and covert intervention.