After a continuous stream of predictions about the "imminent end of the American currency," dubbed by many experts in the spring and early summer, the dollar, for the first time since May, has become the most successful asset, demonstrating against the anticipatory dynamics of stocks, bonds and commodities. So, in September, the dollar index rose 6%, while Bank of America Merrill Lynch's US Treasury Master Index has appreciated by only 1.6%, while the consolidated stock indicator MSCI All-Country World Index and commodity index Standard & Poor's GSCI Total Return Index lost 8.9% and 12%, respectively. "During the crisis, investors tend to hold the most liquid currency", - says Arup Chatterjee, a currency strategist at Barclays Capital in New York. - "The fact that the dollar is growing, despite the loss of U.S. higher credit rating, confirming its status as a world reserve currency." Note that the September revision of bank forecasts for the euro / dollar in a downward was the most significant since June 2010, and the number of negative forecasts for the dollar / loonie dropped to a maximum in October 2008 amount.