Goldman Sachs raised its forecast for the dollar
The continued growth of panic in the markets has forced planners Goldman Sachs, continues to believe in the strengthening of the euro / dollar in the coming months, once again, to adjust their forecasts for the U.S. currency. The bank previously lowered forecasts for world economic growth, and this, as well as a significant reduction in the forecast for economic growth in the euro area, became an occasion to review the three-month forecast for the euro / dollar at $ 1.40 to $ 1.38, while the six-and twelve-month forecasts were lowered to $ 1.45 and $ 1.50 to $ 1.42 and $ 1.48 respectively. In the GS mark, that the reason to stay in camp for the euro bulls in the longer term, enable more active recapitalization of banks in Europe and more efficient use of existing instruments, including EFSF; they also warn of the possibility of new stimulus measures by the Fed. In addition, strategists say the bank's heavily skewed in favor of speculative positions in shorts, and warn them that rebalancing may cause a sharp rebound the euro higher. At Goldman Sachs also lowered forecasts for the Australian dollar to $ 0.95, $ 1.00 and $ 1.00 to $ 1.08, $ 1.10 and $ 1.10 respectively.